Delivering innovative engineering solutions on projects across the globe

Port of Tubarão Iron Ore Briquette Plant

Port of Tubarão Iron Ore Briquette Plant

Revolutionizing the Battery Market with the Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project

Revolutionizing the Battery Market with the Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Campus Renovation

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Campus Renovation

USTA – Project Management Services

USTA – Project Management Services

ADNOC Offshore Operations Power Project

ADNOC Offshore Operations Power Project

Brightline Florida Miami-to-Orlando Rail Operations

Brightline Florida Miami-to-Orlando Rail Operations

Calabogie Generating Station Redevelopment

Calabogie Generating Station Redevelopment

Digital Case Study: Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant BioWin Process Modeling, City of Baltimore, MD

Digital Case Study: Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant BioWin Process Modeling, City of Baltimore, MD

Colorado Army National Guard 100th Missile Defense Brigade Readiness Center

Colorado Army National Guard 100th Missile Defense Brigade Readiness Center

Decarbonisation policy playbook

Decarbonisation policy playbook

Decommissioning at Calder Hall: Leveraging Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot

Decommissioning at Calder Hall: Leveraging Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot

Delivering a Tech Stack for Hanwha Qcells

Delivering a Tech Stack for Hanwha Qcells

Delta Air Lines LaGuardia Terminal C Baggage Handling System

Delta Air Lines LaGuardia Terminal C Baggage Handling System

EDAROTH - Hillside Gardens, Lambeth

EDAROTH - Hillside Gardens, Lambeth

NET-Lab: National ETCS Test Lab

NET-Lab: National ETCS Test Lab

Federal Way Link Extension Oversight Services

Federal Way Link Extension Oversight Services

FEMA Housing Operations Tracking System (HOTS)

FEMA Housing Operations Tracking System (HOTS)

FEMA Permanent Housing Construction (PHC)

FEMA Permanent Housing Construction (PHC)

GDOT Northwest Corridor Express Lanes

GDOT Northwest Corridor Express Lanes

The Hann Reserve: A Sustainable Golf Resort Paradise in the Heart of Luzon

The Hann Reserve: A Sustainable Golf Resort Paradise in the Heart of Luzon

Heathrow Airport

Heathrow Airport

Howard Frankland Bridge Construction Engineering & Inspection

Howard Frankland Bridge Construction Engineering & Inspection

Jimmie Creek Hydroelectric project

Jimmie Creek Hydroelectric project

LACMTA Systems Engineering Support Services

LACMTA Systems Engineering Support Services

Lilidorei Play Village

Lilidorei Play Village

Design for new London Gatwick taxiway to help reduce delays and emissions

Design for new London Gatwick taxiway to help reduce delays and emissions

McGill University Health Centre

McGill University Health Centre

Effective radioactive waste management: the role of Mobile Autonomous Sorting and Segregation (MASS)

Effective radioactive waste management: the role of Mobile Autonomous Sorting and Segregation (MASS)

CANDU MONARK: The Future is Bright

CANDU MONARK: The Future is Bright

Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric Project

Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric Project

Nairobi Central Station, Kenya

Nairobi Central Station, Kenya

NCDOT Hydroplaning Risk Assessment and Mitigation Services

NCDOT Hydroplaning Risk Assessment and Mitigation Services

O-Train South Extension

O-Train South Extension

Port Everglades Capital Investment Program Management

Port Everglades Capital Investment Program Management

Power Grids Interconnection Project

Power Grids Interconnection Project

Promenade Samuel-De Champlain, phase 3

Promenade Samuel-De Champlain, phase 3

Trawsfynydd Reactor Dismantling – Design and Integration Support

Trawsfynydd Reactor Dismantling – Design and Integration Support

Reno-Tahoe International Airport Ticketing Hall Expansion

Reno-Tahoe International Airport Ticketing Hall Expansion

Site C Clean Energy Project

Site C Clean Energy Project

Spains Hall Estate Beaver Reintroduction project

Spains Hall Estate Beaver Reintroduction project

VUEWorks Asset Management and the City of Dover

VUEWorks Asset Management and the City of Dover

Port of Long Beach Work Management Software

Port of Long Beach Work Management Software

Yosemite National Park Traffic Assessment and Road Network Capacity Study

Yosemite National Park Traffic Assessment and Road Network Capacity Study

Puerto Rico Local Hazard Mitigation Planning

Puerto Rico Local Hazard Mitigation Planning

Bridging the Gap: The Broad Causeway Bridge

Bridging the Gap: The Broad Causeway Bridge

A Digital Case Study: The Elevate Denver Bond Program

A Digital Case Study: The Elevate Denver Bond Program

Virtual Site Access: Bringing Certainty to Site Operations

Virtual Site Access: Bringing Certainty to Site Operations

VUEWorks for Missouri Department of Conservation

VUEWorks for Missouri Department of Conservation

VUEWorks for the City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota

VUEWorks for the City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota

VUEWorks for Virginia Department of Transportation

VUEWorks for Virginia Department of Transportation

VUEWorks for Springfield Water & Sewer Commission

VUEWorks for Springfield Water & Sewer Commission

Entergy - Project Delivery System

Entergy - Project Delivery System

Transportation Asset Management Tool for Ohio Department of Transportation

Transportation Asset Management Tool for Ohio Department of Transportation

John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project

John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project

Beartooth Highway

Beartooth Highway

Digital design, masterplanning and modelling, for life

Digital design, masterplanning and modelling, for life

The Canada Line

The Canada Line

NJDOT Smart & Connected Corridors US 1 / I-295

NJDOT Smart & Connected Corridors US 1 / I-295

Cerrejon Mining Complex Expansion

Cerrejon Mining Complex Expansion

NRS LC28 structural inspections: improving safety through digital innovation

NRS LC28 structural inspections: improving safety through digital innovation

Project management for the Northern Spire Bridge, Sunderland

Project management for the Northern Spire Bridge, Sunderland

Isotek U-233

Isotek U-233

Smart Working Initiative across the HMLR estate

Smart Working Initiative across the HMLR estate

Helping a water company to meet its NIS-R requirements

Helping a water company to meet its NIS-R requirements

Autonomous Vehicle Research

Autonomous Vehicle Research

BNA Terminal Parking Garage Design Services

BNA Terminal Parking Garage Design Services

World’s largest hydrogen fuel blending demonstration

World’s largest hydrogen fuel blending demonstration

Waterbeach Public Transport Scheme

Waterbeach Public Transport Scheme

Sustainable design support for Soham Station

Sustainable design support for Soham Station

Planning the deployment of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Planning the deployment of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Askern Leisure Centre – Decarbonization, Retrofit and Refurbishment

Askern Leisure Centre – Decarbonization, Retrofit and Refurbishment

Ministry of Justice – professional services provider framework

Ministry of Justice – professional services provider framework

Paddington Village Hotel, Liverpool

Paddington Village Hotel, Liverpool

Plus X Innovation Hub, Brighton

Plus X Innovation Hub, Brighton

Marco Island Executive Airport Terminal Facility

Marco Island Executive Airport Terminal Facility

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey All-Electronic Tolling Program Management

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey All-Electronic Tolling Program Management

Southsea Coastal Scheme

Southsea Coastal Scheme

Eastern Road Coastal Scheme

Eastern Road Coastal Scheme

Building the National Underground Asset Register

Building the National Underground Asset Register

Philadelphia Northeast Airport Taxiway L

Philadelphia Northeast Airport Taxiway L

Heathrow Asset Management - Low Carbon Design Programme

Heathrow Asset Management - Low Carbon Design Programme

HS2 Carbon Management System Compliance

HS2 Carbon Management System Compliance

Arts University Bournemouth, Net Zero Carbon arts building

Arts University Bournemouth, Net Zero Carbon arts building

Harris County Flood Control District Asset Management Program

Harris County Flood Control District Asset Management Program

Denver International Airport Pena Boulevard Improvements

Denver International Airport Pena Boulevard Improvements

Las Vegas Wash Channel Improvements

Las Vegas Wash Channel Improvements

Future Flight Challenge

Future Flight Challenge

Viking Glider: Helping the next generation of pilots spread their wings

Viking Glider: Helping the next generation of pilots spread their wings

North Carolina Beyond 77 Corridor Study

North Carolina Beyond 77 Corridor Study

The security check point of the future

The security check point of the future

Ashfield District Council – Kirkby Leisure Center

Ashfield District Council – Kirkby Leisure Center

Carnival Residential Apartments, Wokingham Borough Council

Carnival Residential Apartments, Wokingham Borough Council

Chichester Festival Theatre Restoration

Chichester Festival Theatre Restoration

CSRN: Supporting the consultants of the future

CSRN: Supporting the consultants of the future

Helping a UK government department ensure it’s fit for the future

Helping a UK government department ensure it’s fit for the future

Vertical: revolutionising urban travel

Vertical: revolutionising urban travel

Birmingham City University – City Centre Campus Redevelopment

Birmingham City University – City Centre Campus Redevelopment

 A14 Upgrade

 A14 Upgrade

A better customer experience on the M25

A better customer experience on the M25

AERALIS: Jets for the next generation of combat pilots

AERALIS: Jets for the next generation of combat pilots

APM Challenge – supporting the Teenage Helpline

APM Challenge – supporting the Teenage Helpline

Boho8, Middlesborough

Boho8, Middlesborough

CDOT Central 70

CDOT Central 70

CDOT I-70 Floyd Hill Technology, Design & Engineering

CDOT I-70 Floyd Hill Technology, Design & Engineering

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Edinburgh Futures Institute

Edinburgh Futures Institute

National Highways Complex Infrastructure Programme

National Highways Complex Infrastructure Programme

South Wales Police - Facilities Condition Survey Programme

South Wales Police - Facilities Condition Survey Programme

Elevate Denver Bond Program

Elevate Denver Bond Program

North Carolina US 74 Corridor Resilience Study

North Carolina US 74 Corridor Resilience Study

Samuel De Champlain Bridge

Samuel De Champlain Bridge

Port of Tilbury T2 Development - Masterplanning

Port of Tilbury T2 Development - Masterplanning

River Thames Scheme

River Thames Scheme

San Diego International Airport Runway 9-27 Rehabilitation

San Diego International Airport Runway 9-27 Rehabilitation

Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP)

Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP)

The Box

The Box

The Square – Beeston Town Centre Regeneration

The Square – Beeston Town Centre Regeneration

Tipner West Waterfront Development

Tipner West Waterfront Development

UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC), Coventry

UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC), Coventry

UK Retail Bank – Critical Plant Replacement

UK Retail Bank – Critical Plant Replacement

West Sussex Fire and Rescue - Redefining the fire and rescue estate

West Sussex Fire and Rescue - Redefining the fire and rescue estate

Innovation success at Darlington RFR Project

Innovation success at Darlington RFR Project

Location, Location, Location – Data-Mapping for Florida’s Department of Transportation

Location, Location, Location – Data-Mapping for Florida’s Department of Transportation

Low carbon asphalt helping with net zero

Low carbon asphalt helping with net zero

Moving digital forward: A14 upgrade

Moving digital forward: A14 upgrade

Nuclear: Risk Reduction of Glovebox Operations

Nuclear: Risk Reduction of Glovebox Operations

Optimising Performance at Beckton Wastewater Treatment Works with a Digital Twin

Optimising Performance at Beckton Wastewater Treatment Works with a Digital Twin

Edinburgh’s Green Blue Infrastructure

Edinburgh’s Green Blue Infrastructure

Seeing is believing - using computer vision to protect our assets

Seeing is believing - using computer vision to protect our assets

Maui Fire - FEMA mitigation assessment

Maui Fire - FEMA mitigation assessment

Sizewell C

Sizewell C

Engineering Net Zero on the Bridgwater Tidal Barrier

Engineering Net Zero on the Bridgwater Tidal Barrier

Niobec Mine Expansion

Niobec Mine Expansion

Old Tampa Bay Water Quality Improvement Project

Old Tampa Bay Water Quality Improvement Project

Five Jumeirah Village Dubai

Five Jumeirah Village Dubai

CANDU technology: helping Ontario achieve Net Zero

CANDU technology: helping Ontario achieve Net Zero

High Speed 2 (HS2)

High Speed 2 (HS2)

Delivering a flying start to the next generation of aerospace engineers

Delivering a flying start to the next generation of aerospace engineers

CDOT State Highway 149 Construction Management, Inspection and Testing Services

CDOT State Highway 149 Construction Management, Inspection and Testing Services

City Simulator tool – temperature impacts on Atlanta’s carbon footprint for travel

City Simulator tool – temperature impacts on Atlanta’s carbon footprint for travel

Electric Autonomous Transport System

Electric Autonomous Transport System

Offshore Wind Technical Due Diligence

Offshore Wind Technical Due Diligence

Las Vegas Valley Flood Control Master Plan Updates

Las Vegas Valley Flood Control Master Plan Updates

Doha Metro

Doha Metro

Dubai Metro

Dubai Metro

ITER – Fusion for Energy

ITER – Fusion for Energy

Riyadh Metro

Riyadh Metro

East West Rail (EWR)

East West Rail (EWR)

Feltham and Wokingham Area Re-Signalling Programme

Feltham and Wokingham Area Re-Signalling Programme

Operation of Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride (DUF6) Conversion Facilities

Operation of Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride (DUF6) Conversion Facilities

Grwp Cynefin - Canolfan Lleu - innovative wellbeing hub

Grwp Cynefin - Canolfan Lleu - innovative wellbeing hub

Horsham Fire Station and Training Centre (Platinum House)

Horsham Fire Station and Training Centre (Platinum House)

INEOS - low carbon hydrogen plant

INEOS - low carbon hydrogen plant

Multi-disciplinary consultant partnership – West Sussex County Council

Multi-disciplinary consultant partnership – West Sussex County Council

Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School

Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School

Reshaping railway resilience with digital tools

Reshaping railway resilience with digital tools

Aldbrough Hydrogen Pathfinder

Aldbrough Hydrogen Pathfinder

Building immersive spaces – Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Building immersive spaces – Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Cyber Confident project: How innovative consulting can foster tangible change

Cyber Confident project: How innovative consulting can foster tangible change

Developing the next generation of cyber professionals

Developing the next generation of cyber professionals

Empowering women in tech: creating opportunities and shaping the future

Empowering women in tech: creating opportunities and shaping the future

Rock Street flood alleviation scheme

Rock Street flood alleviation scheme

Shore power at Portsmouth International Port

Shore power at Portsmouth International Port

Tower Works

Tower Works

STEAMhouse at Birmingham City University

STEAMhouse at Birmingham City University

MDOT MTA Purple Line P3 Light Rail Transit

MDOT MTA Purple Line P3 Light Rail Transit

Shaping the Future of Flight

Shaping the Future of Flight

Coeur Rochester

Coeur Rochester

Broxtowe Borough Council – sites for affordable homes

Broxtowe Borough Council – sites for affordable homes

Capital Investment Programme – retail bank

Capital Investment Programme – retail bank

Elizabeth Line

Elizabeth Line

The Pattern Shop

The Pattern Shop

Darlington Retube & Feeder Replacement Project

Darlington Retube & Feeder Replacement Project

Risk management for National Highways Third Road Investment Strategy

Risk management for National Highways Third Road Investment Strategy

E-Fan X: moving us closer to zero emission aircraft

E-Fan X: moving us closer to zero emission aircraft

Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit

Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit

Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Hong Kong section)

Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Hong Kong section)

King’s College Hospital Jeddah, KSA

King’s College Hospital Jeddah, KSA

Medicom N95 Mask Facility in Canada

Medicom N95 Mask Facility in Canada

Our town hall, Manchester

Our town hall, Manchester

South Island Line (East)

South Island Line (East)

Streamlining Sizewell C site decisions with award-winning project dashboard

Streamlining Sizewell C site decisions with award-winning project dashboard

Supporting local authorities to improve air quality

Supporting local authorities to improve air quality



The Roof, Shanghai, China

The Roof, Shanghai, China

Airfield infrastructure design for three-runway system at Hong Kong International Airport

Airfield infrastructure design for three-runway system at Hong Kong International Airport

West Island Line, Hong Kong

West Island Line, Hong Kong

Wiltshire Council

Wiltshire Council

Hinkley Point C

Hinkley Point C

Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport

Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport

Ministry of Defence: Engineering Delivery Partnership

Ministry of Defence: Engineering Delivery Partnership

Boundary Dam

Boundary Dam

Dubai Opera

Dubai Opera

Jean-Lesage International Airport Expansion

Jean-Lesage International Airport Expansion

Réseau express métropolitain (REM)

Réseau express métropolitain (REM)

TxDOT Oak Hill Parkway

TxDOT Oak Hill Parkway

Robotic size reduction of waste with laser cutting

Robotic size reduction of waste with laser cutting

Ensuring efficient and high-quality design at Sizewell C enabling works

Ensuring efficient and high-quality design at Sizewell C enabling works

VUEWorks for Indiana Toll Road Concession Company

VUEWorks for Indiana Toll Road Concession Company

Silk Street Net Zero Homes

Silk Street Net Zero Homes